The Citation 560 is a family of twin-jet aircraft built by Cessna from 1987 through 2011. The series went through several upgrades over the years from the original Citation V (pronounced “five”) through the latest Citation Encore.

Known for its short-field takeoff and landing performance, the Citation 560 light jet is a workhorse of the private jet fleet with excellent availability throughout the United States and Europe. Aircraft range is upwards of 2,000NM and 4 hours of flight duration making it a perfect fit for shorter flights between New York and Miami, Boston and Chicago, or San Francisco and Los Angeles.

The interior of the jet can be customized but usually includes 7 individual reclining and swiveling passenger seats, an enclosed restroom aft, and a refreshment galley forward. The cabin is 17.4 feet long, 4.8 feet wide, 4.8 feet high. The jet has excellent luggage capacity with 74 cubic feet of space split between the nose and the tail of the jet. While certainly not a jet to do calisthenics on, the Citation 560 is a comfortable, reliable, and convenient way to get from point A to point B!
As with all MAVCO flights, there are two pilots onboard who, along with the operator, meet the strict safety standards of the ARG/US Standard.
We look forward to welcoming you onboard!